Tuesday, July 4, 2017

England. July 4th.

Dear Mother & all,
         I have spent quite a few
fourths of July's at lakes, and
picnics but this is the first
and I hope it is the last one in
   This morning I attended church
services in a nearby town. It
was really a grand service. The
church is 1200 years old. So it
was quite an honour to attend
an old English church. I will
send you the program of it.
     My mail has been slow in
comeing through. I hope I will
get some soon. Haven't received
a letter telling me about the
wedding yet. I hope my letters

have been getting through to you.
    What is everyone doing today?
I suppose Cliff's and Myrl's are
haveing a picnic somewhere.
     We have been excused from
work for half a day. This is
the 1st half day off for all of
us since Christmas. Maybe we
will be haveing all the days off
soon, when this war ends. I
have a feeling that it won't last
very much longer.
    I haven't very much to say in
this letter. Hope I receive one
from you soon. Goodbye for
                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on July 6th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • The two families he refers to are his brother Cliff (and Marie & daughter Donna), and his sister Luella (and Myrl and their children Richard (Dick), Myrlene, and William (Bill)).
  • Here is the church program (notice that the location is blackened out):

(front cover)
(back cover)

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