Thursday, June 29, 2017

June 29, 1944

Dear Mother,
        Another week has almost gone. Gee it seemed
to go by so fast. In fact the whole month has
gone by fast. Tomorrow is payday. But it will
just be a day to me.
        How is everything at home? Has Glenn and
Audrey returned home yet? I am looking for a letter
from you and also the others. I hope some mail
comes to me tomorrow.
        Have you received the pictures I sent to you yet?
I hope you like them. If I can get some more
film somewhere I will have some more pictures.
    Well everything is ok with me. I am getting
caught up on my sleep again. That is better
than all our work. I am all caught up now. I
have guard duty tomorrow night and I am off
Monday. So I am looking for a big day right
after payday. Goodnight. I hope you are feeling a
lot better by now.                            Love

The next letter will be posted on July 4th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This was written as a v-mail on the 29th, censor stamped on the 30th, but not postmarked until July 6th.

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