Sunday, July 9, 2017

England. July 9, 1944.

Dear Mother & all,
         Sunday evening and not
much to do. Gee it is hard
to realize that I don't have
any place to go on Sunday
nights. That use to always
be my big night.
     The day started out like
a very beautiful July day.
At 11:30 it was very hot
and one o'clock we were
wearing our raincoats. Now
you would think it was a
perfect day again.
     We had a very delicous
dinner today. Fried beef steak
mash potatoes, gravy, lettuce
and fresh tomatoes for salad

and fruit cocktail for desert.
And hot chocolate to drink.
So you can see we are eating ok.
But still your meals would
really taste good to me.
     Today I attended church
services. We hold them in
the new thearte now as we
have outgrown our former
place. They have just finished
remodeling the place. It has a
grand stage, so may we will
have some stage entertainment
     Today our former comanding
officier bid us farewell. He
is retiring from army life.
Gosh I wish I was with him.
He certainly has been a swell
officier to be working under.

I know everyone will miss him
a great deal. He would do
personal things to help a soldier
out of trouble, or try to make
life a little more cheerful
for him.
     Not much mail is comeing
through lately. It has been
sixteen days now since I have
had a letter from Irene. I sure
hope nothing is wrong. I don't
believe I will ever want any
other girl but her. I really don't
know why I waited so long. We
should have married soon
after we meant.
     I suppose by now the straw-
berry season is about overwith.
I haven't had an fresh straw
berries this season at all.

    In one way the seasons are
so different here and one just
doesn't think about what month
it is or day of the week. We are
just wishing the war would
soon end. Then when we get back
our seasons will mean something
to us again.
   How are you feeling now? I hope
this letter finds you much
improved. I don't want you to
worry over me, mother. I am ok
and will be there with you
when this war is over. I know
that Audrey is there with you.
Is Glenn and Audrey getting
settled yet? I guess I won't know
the place when I do get back.
    One of my buddies and I were

talking the other evening on
how things will seem so
different to us. I bet Duke won't
even let me near the place.
I would just like to see how he
would act when I do come home.
    Well this is about all I can
think of for tonight. I will write
later on in the week. Goodnight
for now. Tell every one I said
hello, and tell them to write.
                           Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on July 13th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Duke was the family dog.

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