Thursday, July 6, 2017

England. July 6, 1944.

Dear Mother,
      Received your letter of June
22 and was very glad to know
that you were able to attend
the wedding. I sure wish I could
have been able to attend it. Maybe
the next one will be mine.
      I also had a letter from Luella
yesterday and today. Also her
package for me. She sent me
the clipping about the flood you
folks had and Freeman wrote
to me about it to. Hope it
didn't spoil the crops.
      Say, from what Freeman
writes he is stepping out with
Jean Dennis quite a bit. Gosh
how things must have changed

since I have been home. I can't
hardly feature those kids even
going out yet.
      From the sound of your letter
everyone around home are sick.
I guess I will have to come
home and cheer up the neighbor
      Gee it is almost a year isn't
it now that Morgan Ford has
been in the Army? Well I miss
home and the U.S. also. We have
lost the best commanding officer
of any outfit in England. It is
our Major and he is returning
to the states and becoming a
civilian again. He is overaged.
We had a farewell party for
him last night. Everyone hates
to see him go. He seemed

just like one of us, and always
did things for the outfit. We
will all miss him, and I don't
believe there will be anyone that
can fill his shoes.
      This is about all the news
from this side. I guess everyone
figures on my moveing out of England.
Tell them I have plenty of work
here to do. So don't worry about
my moveing. Hope this finds
you much better. Please don't
worry about me. I am ok.
                         Love Ralph

The next letter will be posted on July 9th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Freeman was Ralph's youngest brother. He had turned 19 on June 10, 1944.
  • I found information about age requirements for being drafted during WWII, but I could not locate any information about how old the major must have been to be considered "overaged".

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