Saturday, July 29, 2017

July 29

Dear Mother,
         How are you today? I hope you are feeling
much better by now. Well mother I have added
a little more to my official title now. I was
promoted to staff sargeant. That is four stripes
on my arm now.
         I guess it is all off with Irene and me
now. She told me she met someone esle. Well
if that is the way it is I am glad it happened
now instead of after our marriage.
         I had a day off today. I went into town and
stayed at the Red Cross Club. It was market day
here today. What a sight. You would think
there was a carnival in town. All the country
people came to town on this day. Wagons, buggies,
buses and cars. It is quite a sight.
         Well this is about all for this letter. I haven't
much news to write about. I sure am glad I
received another stripe. Hope this war ends soon.
I am getting tired of it. So long for now.
                                                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on July 30th.

Background Information (and comments):
  • This was sent as a v mail.

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