Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 15, 1944 - Postcards from 1939

These are the postcards my dad (whose middle name was William and must have been called Bill by his family in 1939) sent home on his trip to DC, NJ, PA, and to the World's Fair in NY.

 Dear Mom,
Arrived Washington at 7:30 P.M. You don't know what life is if you haven't been here. Having a swell time. Camped at Army Field near the airport. Bill

 Dear Mom,
Washington is a beautiful place. We have been going through building all morning and afternoon. This morning we saw them shooting a picture "Mr. Smith goes to Washington." James Stewart was here and I got his autograph. I drove the last 75 miles we came Monday and into Washington D.C. Will write later. Bill

Note: I wonder where that autograph went. What a surprise!

 Dear Mom,
Lefted Washington Wed. noon. Arrived in Atlantic City 8:00 P.M. Nice country but it is awful swampy. Can see the ocean from here. Going to New York Friday. Bill

Dear Mom,
Having a swell time. Was at the seashore all day. Leaving early Friday morning for New York. The days are hot and the nights they really cool off here. Are camped about 6 mile out of Atlantic City. Bill

 Dear Mom,
Arrived in Philadelphia Friday morning. Will be in New York to-night if nothing happens. I think we will be home sometime Wed. Tell Cliff to hold tight. Bill

Reminder: Cliff's wedding was planned for July 15th.

Dear Folks,
Arrived in New York 4:00 P.M. Friday. Sure is hard driving. Camped in a lady's back yard. Can see the fair grounds from here. Going to fair Sat & Sun. Will be home Wed. I am getting tired and thin. Bill

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