Sunday, June 11, 2017

England June 11, 1944.

Dear Mother & all,
         I should start this letter
out by wishing you a happy
birthday. It is a little late for
your birthday, but I am not
to busy to forget when it is.
       I am still busy as usual
and I am keeping out of mischief
in fact they are keeping me out
of it by tireing me out.
      What have you  been doing today?
I suppose none of the kids were
home today as they will be
comeing home Friday night to the
big wedding. Gee I sure wish
it was me. But I guess I will
still have my time comeing.
      I sprung my left thumb

today so I am trying to do
my best at writing. It pains
me quite a bit, but there is
nothing very serious with it.
By morning it probably will be
     I am going to try and write
a letter the Morgan Ford yet
tonight. I don't know if I can
make it or not. If I don't
tonight maybe I will tomorrow
     I am getting plenty tired already
tonight. So I think I will hit the
sack as soon as I am done
working tonight. I happen to have
a little spare time while waiting
for some repairs and thought
I would write a few lines. Is
my mail comeing through to you

ok now? I guess it is a little
slow in leaveing England now.
     Well this will be about all
the news for tonight. Hope you
are much better by this time.
                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on June 15th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • As mentioned previously, Ralph's mother (Bessie Louise Chulip) was born on June 12, 1882.
  • Morgan Ford was Ralph's first cousin. His mother, Susie, was a sister of Ralph's father, William Stephen Brown. I'm not sure when this photo was taken, but it is of Morgan and Ralph in their service uniforms.

  • Morgan Ford is remembered by many for being the "owner/caretaker" of a century-old fruitcake which has been written about by Erma Bombeck and many newspapers, too. He appeared with Jay Leno on The Tonight Show when it was 125 years old. Here is a link to a video interview that is both informative and fun to watch.

1 comment:

  1. The fruitcake bit is a hoot. What a cool thing to have in the family.
