Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 20, 44

Dear Mother,
         Just a short letter to you tonight. My
shirts arrived ok and they are just what I
wanted. Our work has not been quite so rushing
now so maybe I can find more time to write
a few letters now. I have a letter to answer to
Pearl Meyers also. I hope you have received my
mail by now.
        I was going to write earlier tonight so I could
get some letters written, but I just fell asleep on
my bed and forgot to wake up. So I guess I will
have to do some tomorrow night. Tomorrow night
I am going to the U.S. Army band concert.
        Yesterday for dinner we had apple pie for
dinner and chocolate ice cream. That was really
a treat. For breakfast in the morning the menu
says, real eggs, and oranges. So you see we
are eating ok. Not much more room on this
paper so will close for now. Please write as soon
as possible. I think I will be able to write more
often now.                                   Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on June 22nd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This was sent as a V mail, written on the 20th, censors stamp on 21st and postmarked on 24th at 4:30 PM. 

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