Sunday, December 25, 2016

England Christmas Day 1943

Dear Mother & all,
            Christmas day. Almost four thousand miles
apart.  I would like to be there spending it with you,
but this year it can't be.  Next year I will be there.
I suppose you had all the family home today for
Christmas. Did Irene come? I hope she did. I hope she
enjoys her cedar chest very much.
           We have just finished our dinner and what a
meal. Our menu for Christmas dinner is included.
Roast turkey, mash potatoes and gravy, roast dressing,
cream peas, cranberry sauce, pineapple pie, coffee
candy and cigarettes. It was a very good meal and
I have just finished dinner and I am enjoying a
nice cigar while I am writing this letter. I smoke
once in awhile. It gives me something to do in my
spare time.
        We worked this morning or went to work. We
had church services at 9:30 this morning. I am sending
you a bulletin of our services.
        Mother, I would have liked to send you something
for Christmas but most everything is rationed over
here. What isn't rationed is so high priced and no
use for it. I am still looking for a present for you.
      I hope you had a merry Christmas. It is a
different experience for me this year to spend Christmas
in a different country. I sure would like to spend it
at home though.
       Well Christmas is over now and we can begin
to think about the new year and a year of peace.

     We had no snow here for Christmas just mud. It
was rather was [warm?] and a haze all morning.  Did you
have snow this year for Christmas? I hope it was
a white Christmas.
       Well mother after such a good meal it calls
for a little sleep this afternoon.  We are off for
the rest of the day. Some are on pass, others sleeping,
writing, and playing cards.
          I may write more later on today, but for now
I will say goodbye.
         Well here it is night. I slept most of the afternoon
and now I feel as if I can write a few more lines.
     We prepared our own meal in our hut tonight. We
had toasted cheese sandwiches, popcorn, fried salomie
and the Martin Bomber people gave us beer for a
beer party. The toasted cheese sandwiches were really
good. Just like a light lunch after a big meal. One of
the fellows had a fruit cake from home. So I guess we
had a very Merry Christmas for being in the European
Theatre of Operations. I must close for now and heres
hopeing I receive a lot of mail. I enjoyed your letter of
Thanksgiving Day. Received five letters yesterday. So it was
a nice Christmas after all.
                                          Love and best wishes
         Here are some pictures taken on my furlough.
         Divide them up.

The next letter will be posted on December 27th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This was sent as an airmail letter
  • I do not have the menu or photos he said he enclosed. I donated many items to the Blissfield Historical Society prior to moving to Florida in 2013. The photos were not with the letters and most had no dates or information about location, etc.
  • The church bulletin was still in the envelope with the letter, so it is pictured below.
  • The last page is hard to read. Here is what it says -
    • "From the Chaplain"
      • I am deeply grateful for your wonderful response which made possible the bringing of cheer into the hearts of nearly sixty evacuee children. May the Lord who set the example richly bless each and every one of you.
      • I have a Christmas wish for you. It comes from the depths of my heart, and I believe that you will appreciate it more than any other I could possible make. Our wish is that next Christmas you may spend it with your loved ones around the  fireside of your own home.
      • May never again, under God's great heaven, bombs crash, cannons roar and the wail of the despairing be heard, but nations shall live in loving brotherhood. Then will the song of the angels who told of the birth of the Savior who came to bring Peace on earth be not in vain.

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