Monday, December 19, 2016

Dec. 19, 1943

Dear Mother,
     Another week has gone and another started.
Just a few more days until Christmas.  This
will be the second Christmas away from home
and the first out of the U.S.  I hope this is the
last one to.
    This being Sunday I figured on going to the
service today but I didn't get up in time and
I don't like the idea of getting out in this weather
anymore than I have to. I see by the Stars & Stripes
that winter has hit the U.S.
     I have received a couple of letters from you
this last week. Our mail is comeing in a little
better now. Received quite a few Christmas cards
also. I hope you received my letter by now.
I try to write every week. But it is awlful
hard to write when we have the same thing
over and over. I really don't know what to write.
There will always be things to write from that end
so send me all the news you can. I am working
every day and have been in London just once this
month. Getting rid of my cold and feeling much better.
Write soon and often.                      Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on December 23rd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Stars & Stripes began as a newspaper during the Civil War; it was for Union troops.
    • It was on a decades long hiatus before resuming publication during WWI and then again during WWII.
    • It has been published continuously since 1942 in Europe and 1945 in the Pacific.
    • The average daily readership today is about 850,000.
    • It is authorized by the Department of Defense and is editorially independent. Its publisher and most of its employees are civilians.

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