Sunday, December 18, 2016

Decemember 18

Dear Mother,
     Received your letter of November 30th and was glad
to get it.  The mail is slow in coming in now, it
must be held up in the states.  Also received two
V-letters from Cliffs.  Irene's letters are awlful slow in
getting here. The last I had was postmarked  the 26th
of Nov.
        I really don't know how many packages I have
received. They have been arriving for the last two
months and with everything esle here it is really
hard to remember everything.  I told you about most
of my packages in an airmail letter.
        I suppose the oil well is progressing right
along now. Wish I could be there and see it. I suppose
it seemed good to have Marie stay for awhile. I sure
would like to drop in and stay for awhile.  It sure
would be good to have a good home cooked meal
again. I sure am going to eat when I get home again.
       I must write quite a few letters tonight.  I haven't
received many but I don't want to get behind in my
     Well this will be about all for now. I must sign
off for now. Write soon and tell me about all the
happenings around home. So long for now.
                                                                  Love Ralph

The next letter will be posted on Dec.19th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ralph sent this as a V-mail. It was not postmarked until Dec. 24th.

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