Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August 2, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Here it is the beginning of a new week so
I must drop you a letter. I hope you have
heard where I am by now. We had a very full
weekend, but can't say what we were doing. I have
seen quite a bit of England by this time. It is
a splendid looking country and very clean. The raise
about the same crops as we do, but there buildings
are just like any picture you see in papers
and movies. Rationing is very strict here. Even
to our water we use. Hardly any cars and about
everyone has a bike. I didn't attend any church
services yesterday, but hope to as soon as we
are permantely settled which I hope will be in
the very near future. I suppose you folks are
busy now with the harvest. I notice a lot of sugar
beet fields around here. So it makes me feel
a little at home. I hope I receive some mail
today. When you write send it by v mail or
by airmail. It will get here quicker. I received
Irene's letter about her disappointment but
I did the best thing I knew and the Red Cross
was the only. Goodbye for this time. Please
write soon.                                Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on August 3rd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This letter was sent as a V-mail.

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