Monday, August 22, 2016

England Sunday Aug. 22

Dear Mother & all,
          Well here it is Sunday
again, but today sure didn't
seem like it. We work
seven days a week. Sunday
is just as same as any
other day here. Today the
chaplain came around to where
we were working and we
had short services. It is
really different in a Thearte
of Operations.
     I received your first Vmail
letter yesterday. Two from Irene
two from Lenore and one from
Cliff's. I like every letter I
receive and read them about
a dozen times over and over.

     Last night I was in a small
town here. I don't like them
at all. They seem to be so
dead all the time. Most every
one figures they are about
50 years behind time. I sure
will be glad to see the U.S.
     As for hunting up my
distant relatives I think that
would be plenty hard to do.
     I write all my letters on
airmail now because I can't
find enough space on the
V-mail envelopes.
     On my allotments I have
doubled them. They will begin
on the September pay. I hope
to have a nice little future sum

saved up by the time I
get home. I hope I will have
enough to get a nice little
start anyway.
     I guess Ferne beat us
but those that wait always
are ahead in the end.
     I must close for now.
Write a lot because I don't
have much to write about.
Goodbye for now.
                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on August 24th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Not sure who Ferne is, but guessing a classmate or friend of Irene's. By "beat us", I interpret that as getting to the altar. If anyone reading this has an idea, please let me know and I'll share it in a future comment.
  • This is the first letter that Ralph numbered the pages; I try to type them to resemble the way they appear on the paper.
  • Here's a pay scale I found for World War II:

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