Thursday, July 28, 2016

July 28, 1943

Dear Mother,
     I suppose you have been wondering where
I have been keeping myself. I have been doing
some traveling. I am now stationed in
England. It is a pretty country. That is all
I am able to say about my trip. After this
war is over then I can explain everything.
I suppose it will be quite hard for me
to write a letter because I always had a
subject to talk about.
     I suppose everyone has been asking you
about me. Now you can tell them and give
them my address. I can't think of much
more to write about. Please write soon
and tell the rest I will write more
when I find time. I hope you will
write me just as long as letters in
the future as you did in the past. I
will try to write and answer all your
letters. Send them either V-mail or by
air mail so I will receive them sooner.
Tell everyone hello for me and tell
all I am thinking of them.   Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on August 2nd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This letter was sent as a V-mail. The envelope measures approximately 4.75 inches by 3.75 inches. The image above is larger than the actual envelope. The letter itself was written on paper measuring 4.25 inches by 5.25 inches. The image below is almost the exact size. Ralph wrote smaller than usual. Notice, too, the censor's stamp in the upper left hand corner.

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