Monday, September 4, 2017

England. Sept. 4, 1944.

Dear Mother & all,
         I had a big surprised today.
I received a letter from Harley and
he is right here in England. I
sure am going to try to see
him. I don't know just exactly
where he is at, but I can
find out. He might be able to
get into London and if he lets
me know I will be able to get
in and see him. I think he
is located down near the place
I spent my vacation.
      We have been haveing some
typical fall weather here. It
is real damp and rainy out. In
fact the roof is leaking above

my bunk tonight. I had to move
it over a little. We have had
a small fire now for three
nights to take the dampness out
of the hut.
        Had a very nice letter from
Luella yesterday. She sent me
some pictures of Harley, and while
they were at the lake. I might have
some pictures that some of the
fellows took in Ireland. I hope
they turn out ok.
       Gosh mother, I really can't
think of much to write about
tonight. I heard from Irene about
a week ago, but no word from
her folks yet. I don't think they
know we have broken up. I
and going to tell her to send
the cedar chest and the mix master

over to you folks. I don't want
her to have anything that will
remind her of me. If she can be
mean, I can too. I guess all is
fair in love and war and I am
in war now. I sure hope she
is satisfied in what she is doing.
I know I can get along without
her and there will be plenty more
girls after I get home. I am glad
it happened now, then after I had
been home for sometime.
I guess this will be all for
tonight. Please write soon
and often.
                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on Sept. 7th.

1 comment:

  1. Barb -- Was that the cedar chest that was in your room when we were growing up?
