Sunday, September 24, 2017

England. Sun. Sept. 24.

Dear Mother & all,
         Sunday again and I
must write you a few lines
tonight. Tell the rest of them
I will write when I have time.
Just at present I am rather
rushed with work.
         It is anything but a
nice day today. Rain, wind
and rather cold. We have
a good fire tonight though, so
it isn't so bad in the hut.
Very little mail is getting
through now. I don't know
if the war ballots are crowding
out the regular mail or not.
I don't think I have had a letter
from you this week or from

any of the family. I think I had
a V mail from Lenore and I
received a V mail from Marie
         Had an airmail letter from
Charles Stutzman today. He has
returned to Texas, but occording
to his letter he won't be there
long. I guess he will be moving
         I have had only one letter
from Harley since he arrived
here. I guess you will have
to give me the news on him.
Don't worry if my mail is slow
in comeing. I am busy and might
not have time to write when
I want to.
         Well I really can't think of
much more to write about

tonight. So I guess this will just
about be all. I hope you are
feeling much better by now.
         I sent in my ballot last
week. So I had a chance to
vote this year also. Goodbye
for now.
                          Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on September 29th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Here are some articles I found about soldiers voting in the 1944 election. And, yes, there was controversy over it.

A ballot for a military member.

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