Saturday, September 16, 2017

England. Sept. 10, 1944

Dear Mother & all,
        Received your letter of Aug. 18
just a few days ago. I have
received later ones then this
already, but will answer your
questions now.
        I suppose Ariel is glad to be
home and out of the army. I would
sure like to be there myself
but not under the same conditions.
He never did leave the states
either. Some people are lucky
I guess. But I am getting to see
a lot of this country.
        I wrote Harley another letter
tonight. I am going to try and
make some connections to see
him if I can. It is rather

hard to locate him now. I have
a good idea where he is though.
       I have written Irene about the
chest and the ring. I don't know
if she will give them up or
not, but I told her to have her
folks take the chest to you and
send me the ring. I can sell it
over here. I keep thinking of her,
but there are a lot of other
things that keep my mind
occuppied. Maybe it is best
it turned out this way. She was
set in her ways. She said
she would never let me know
if she realizes after a while
that she is makeing a mistake.
I'll never let her know that I
miss her either. You haven't
talked with her mother have you.

They have never wrote me
about it at all. They probably
won't now.
       It has been rather cool here in
the mornings. Almost frost.
      Well as usual I don't have
very much to write about. I
guess this will be about all
for now. I attended church again
today. Goodnight for now. Please
write soon and often.
                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on Sept. 17th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ariel was Ariel Lathrop, a classmate and a neighbor of Ralph's. He was stationed in Washington D.C. He was married to Marion Holliker on June 22, 1943. Their first child, Mary Elizabeth was born on July 11, 1944. Perhaps that is how/why he was no longer in the army.

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