Monday, January 30, 2017

England. Jan. 30, 1944

Dear Mother & all,
       Congratulations on your anniversary.
Did you have a big time today? I have
thought about you quite a few times today.
Today was my day off and I went into
town and stayed all night at the Red Cross.
Then this morning I attended church services
in town. It was a Methodist church. There
services are a lot different than what I am
use to. I believe this is the first church
I have been in for over a year.
       What have you been doing all day? It
was a beautiful day and real warm out.
This afternoon another fellow and I went for
a walk. I guess we are turning limey over
here. All the townspeople go walking in the
country on Sunday afternoons.
        I have received quite a few letters this
last week and also have answered quite
a few. There isn't much to write about
from this side though. We keep plenty
busy with our work now.
      Gee I really don't know what to write
about tonight. I guess I have answered all
your questions in your last letter so
it is hard to think of anything to write about.

     Mother, will you get a Valentine Box
of candy for yourself and one for Irene out
of my allotment check. I can't be there to
get it this year.
     Tell everyone I said hello and I will
try to write more next time. Goodnight
for now. I guess it is sack time now.
So long.
                              Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on February 7th.

Background Information (and comments):
  • Ralph's parents, William Stephen Brown and Bessie Louise Chulip, were married on January 30, 1907. He was 26 years old and she was 24.
  • For those not familiar with the term "limey"
 "a British person, term comes from sailors who came to the New World preventing scurvy from sucking limes. Term indigenous to North America"

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