Monday, January 16, 2017

Sunday Night Jan. 16, 1944

Dear Mother,
        Here it is again for me to drop you my
weekly letter. Gee it sure seems as if the week
really rolls around fast. No letters from you this
week. Our mail has really been so. I received a
letter from Cliff and two from Irene this week. One
of them was written Nov. 22. So you can see how
slow our mail is in comeing over.
      How has everything been going in Michigan? I hope
I receive a few letters this comeing week. I guess I
will have to write air mail letters. All our V mail
stock is gone. Don't send me any because our
V mail forms are different from the blanks you
use back in the states. I don't like to write on
these V mail blanks anyway. It seems as if
you can say enough on it.
      I was a church services today. We had a very
good sermon. It was about the best I have heard
our chaplain gift give. He is certainly a very good
fellow. I like him a lot. He comes around while we
are working on have little visits with the fellows.
He had made captain recently and everyone is glad
of it. He is a regular fellow. I wish you could hear
him once. I know you would like to hear him. He seems
like one of those preachers that had a small church in the
        Well mother this is about all I have for tonight. If
I hear from you this week I will answer when I get your
letter. Goodnight.
                                                    Love Ralph.
P.S. I am sending you our worship bulletin.

The next letter will be posted on January 19th. 

Background Information (and comments):
  • This was written on tissue-paper thin airmail stationery and sent airmail.
  • The grammatical and spelling errors were Ralph's. I'm guessing he was really tired as there seems to be more than usual.
  • Here is the bulletin that Ralph enclosed: I will re-type and post the last 2 pages of the bulletin on Jan. 17th and Jan. 18th as it is difficult to read here.

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