Thursday, January 19, 2017

England. Jan, 19, 1944.

Dear Mother,
         Our mail finally came through. I received twenty
three letters & cards. They dated from Nov. 30 to Jan. 6. So
you can see how our mail has been slow in comeing.
Your letter came today. Gee was I surprised when
I opened it up and there you and Dad where. It is
so natural of you to it looked as if you could speak
to me. I wish you could. It would certainly to hear your
voice again. I showed all the fellows your picture. All of
them think I look like Dad, but they say Dad looks
younger than I do. Maybe this English fog is wrinkling
my face up like your hands do when you have had
them in water to long. It really is heavy. It is a
wonder we don't drown just walking around in it
over here. It got so heavy it finally turned to
rain. It is mud where ever you look around here.
Maybe our new site will be better. It is at the
same base only about three miles further then we
are now.
      I sure would love to have a few of those steaks
off of the steer you are going to butcher. We get them
once in awhile over here. It sure tastes good. Somedays
our meals are swell and other days the dogs around
camp won't eat the meals.
     You asked me what Irene said about her cedar chest?
Well that isn't military secret, but the words she
said it in will always be a secret. She really put it
over strong just what she thought about it, and I know
she really did like it. Sure wish I could have been
there to give it to her. Although it is nice to read about
it in a letter. It must have been gold lined.

I am going to get a picture taken over here and send
home to you and Irene. I don't know when I will get it
made though. They do have some nice pictures made
here though.
       Well mother this is about all for now. I
like your picture an awlful lot. It sure is swell.
Please write soon and often. I am really busy and
might not find time to write as much. I wish you
would thank everyone at church that sent cards and
remembered me. I would like to write to all of them
but at present there is no time for so many
letters. So I send my thanks to them by you.
Goodnight for now.
                                              Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on January 30th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • I don't have the photo that he received with this letter. This is a photo of Ralph's mother and father that was taken in 1953 (about 9.5 years after this letter was written).

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