Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Feb. 7, 1944

Dear Mother,
          Not much to write about for now. I haven't
received any mail to speak of for almost two weeks
now. I guess last week I received about three letters.
I am busy now and we are putting in a lot of hours.
I suppose you have been wondering what we all
are doing, just routine work.
      I am so sleepy tonight I can hardly write tonight.
Tell the rest of the folks I will write when I have
time to write.
      Mother, can you send me a cheap watch? Any kind
will do. Either pocket watch or wristwatch. I need one
but can't get any over here. Just a cheap one will
do. I am lost without a watch.
      How is everything back in the states? How is
the oil well comeing now?
      Well I must get in the sack for the night.
I am ready for bed tonight. Hope I get a full
night sleep for a change. Goodnight and keep
writing the mail will come sometime.
                                                     Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on February 16th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Here are photos of a test oil well on Taylor's farm, near Ralph's parents' farm. Thanks to Elaine Brown Filipek (Ralph's niece) for finding the photos.

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