Monday, January 9, 2017

Sunday night Jan. 9, 1944 E.T.O.

Dear Mother,
     It is time I dropped you my weekly letter
again. I suppose tonight is also your night
to be writing to me. I have quite a few
letters on the way. I hope. Our mail has
been awlful slow in comeing. I received about
3 letters all week long. Haven't received any
telling about Christmas at home this year.
I hope I will receive some in a few days.
My morale gets mighty low at times when
there is not mail. But then there are lots of
fellows in the same shape as I am.
     Today didn't seem like Sunday at all. I
didn't get to church today. I was to busy
and had some work to get done. Time is
really going by in a hurry. A week doesn't
seem to be so long anymore. It is shorter
still when we receive mail.
     How is the oil well drilling getting along?
By now I should think they would know if
there is oil or not.
     I suppose it has been cold and snowy there
at home now. I sure would like to see some
snow instead of rain and mud. Maybe by
this time next year I will be able to be
back there in Michigan where we know
what real American living is again. We have
been receiving better meals this week. I have
been eating steaks and porkchops.

Our meals were getting terrible, but now that
has been changed so I guess and hope they
will be like they have been this week.
     I wrote, Lenore, Luella and Marie last night.
So tonight its you and of course Irene. Marie
said in her letter, that she had heard from
Irene and she said, she would like to spend
the afternoon of Christmas day with you. Did
she come over? How does she look now?
I sure wish I could see her again. I have
asked for a photo. I hope one comes soon. I don't
think my looks have changed much. I feel a
lot older after some days work though.
     Well this is able all for now. Please
write often. I will try to write every week.
                                            Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on January 16th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Lenore and Marie were Ralph's sisters-in-law; Luella was his sister.

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