Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 31, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Well here it is Sunday again and
time to drop a line or two to you. I
missed church this morning I had to
help clean up the day room and office.
          Well I finish school at Duncan Field
yesterday and start on the shops here
tomorrow night. I don't know when
I will be able to get into town
now. Tell Luella and Lenore I will
try to send them some catcus if I
can get into town and if they have any
more left.
          How is the weather at home today?
It is hot and sultry here. There is a
little breeze but not much. The sun
shines out once in a while and that
is all. Every Sunday lately is our

poorest day for weather. I can't think
of anything to write about. Things are
going along as usual. Get paid some
time tomorrow. As for me leaving
the U.S. I think it will really be
for sometime yet to come. We really
have a lot to do before we are ready
to leave. I told Lenore we had been
issued gas masks and helmets. I guess
she thinks we are about ready. We
have to have this equipment in order
to finish our training. I hope it won't
ever come true though. I would like
to see this war come to an end soon.
Maybe things will change soon.
          So long for now. Please write
soon. Tell everybody hello for me.
How is Helen now?
                                Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on February 3rd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Lenore was Ralph's sister-in-law; she was married to his oldest brother, Harold.

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