Monday, January 11, 2016

Stinson Field Jan. 11, 1943

Dear Mother,
          I didn't get around to writing
to you yesterday so I will write tonight.
I have been at Duncan Field working
on blade straightening. It is a
slow and disgusting job. I can
see now why they have to
call us fellows specialists. It really
is a hard task and must be done
accurately. We have about two
weeks there yet and then come
back to Stinson and the four of us
will be in charge of the prop
shop here at Stinson Field.

Most of the fellows are in the
shops here now. The barracks
are cleared at night. They go to shop
at 5 at night until 10. They get up
5:30 in the morning and go to Duncan.
From 7 to 3 I am at Duncan Field.
We have to take lunch and eat
at a different mess hall here at
the field.
          Yesterday I went to church again.
It was communion Sunday and we had
communion. In the afternoon I went
to Fort Sam Houston Hospital to see
Eddie Chandler. He is the fellow
who had a fit here. He said he

will have to stay there under
observation for two months. I would
go nuts if I had to stay there. It is
a ward and most of the fellows
there are cracked or something mentally
wrong with them.
          Did Harley pass his physical
exam? I owe him some money. I will
try to send it to him next pay day. Gosh
fifty dollars doesn't last very long down
here. Buses and shows are all so high
price. The thearte here is going to open
soon here on the field. The price here
will be 15 cents or 10 tickets for a
dollar twenty. No bus fare to pay
either so we will save some that
way. Last Thursday night they

had a U.S.O. show in the new
building. It was really a grand show
and the place was packed.
          Well I can't think of much more to
write about anymore. I am so busy
lately I don't have much time to write.
I got a letter from Sis today. Said
she hasn't heard from me since
before Christmas so I guess I will
write to her to night. I forget
who I write to. So long for now.
                                      Love Ralph

The next letter will be posted on Jan. 17th.

Background Information & Comments:

  • Harley was one of Ralph's younger brothers. Sis refers to his sister Luella Brown Spalding.
  • Here is a link to the history of Fort Sam Houston Hospital:
  • Recently I received some information from a friend (who lives near San Antonio).                She wrote: Duncan field is now the golf course at Kelly A F base (aka now called Port of San Antonio ) and if you want check out Web site Abandoned and little known airports in Texas.

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