Sunday, January 17, 2016

Stinson Field, Texas January 17, 1943

Dear Mother,
          I received your letter yesterday and will
answer it today. You said you were haveing
a very old fashion winter and hoped I was
enjoying the southern shunshine. Yesterday it was
the hottest day in San Antonio for 32 years.
At this this time of year. It was 87 at 5:30
last night and today it is around 40. I
guess that is why you can't enjoy the weather
here. One day you sweat, and the next you
are frozen. The paper says sub freezing weather
by tonight.
          I received my books ok. That was all
of them. I went to church this morning it makes
five Sundays in a row now. There was about
200 men in church this morning. I guess the repair
squadron of the 28th pulls out for destinations unknown

tomorrow. A lot of them attended church this morning.
          Our new chapel building has been started
and in about a couple of months we will be useing
it. I am glad Harley didn't get called. He can be
a lot more useful at home than in the army. We
all are getting advanced training now. We were
issued gas masks the other day. There are some
things I know and I think if we do leave, we won't
be in a hot climate when we reach our destination
but that won't be for a long time yet.
          Well mother I guess this is all for today.
I can't think of anymore to say. I think I will
make Staff Sargent by the first of Feb. I hope so.
Goodbye for now.
                                          Love Ralph.

P.S. Here are some pictures that were taken
Christmas Day. Have you received your catcus
plants yet?

The next letter will be posted on January 21st.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ralph was in the 30th A.D.G. Repair Squadron. I am guessing that the squadrons were being shipped out in numerical order.
Here's the two photos he referred to. The first one shows the tables for the enlisted men. The second one is for the officers.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! The place looks very Christmasy and very nicely decorated.
