Thursday, July 23, 2015

Parks Air College July 23, 1942

Dear Mother,

Well here it is almost the end of July. Time is really flying here for me. I like school very well. I think props are going to be a nice thing to speciallize in.

I want you to send me my house slippers. Would there be any way you could send me my little traveling bag. If not tell me, I can buy another one cheap.

I was up town yesterday and bought notebook and school equipment. I bought myself a garrison cap, and had my picture taken. I will send you both pictures. I sent one to Irene. You can keep one and give one away to whoever you want to. Then I am sending some smaller ones. Give Ruth one and anybody esle you want to.

I am getting use to sleeping daytimes now. I woke up at nine this morning. After I get this wrote I am going back to bed. Seems funny to eat breakfast at 1 P.M. dinner at 7:20 P.M. and supper at 2:30 A.M.

The fellows here all real jolly and full of pep. Everynight when we got back from school, a bunch of them get around the piano in the mess room and do we really cut loose on singing. Lights go out at three in the morning. Girls waitresses in the dinning room. It is ran like a cafeteria. Real nice meals and the food is just like home cooked. Nothing like army food even in taste.

Well I should begin to get some letters by today. Some of the boys got letters yesterday, transferred from J.B.

There are 350 of us here in these barracks. 3 floors. Nice latrines and cold water fountains at all times. I am really going to like it here. After completion of the course we receive a certificate of graduation. This will enable me to get a good job when I am out of the army.

Well I must close for now. Write soon, and tell them at church my new address. I am busy but try to find time to write a few lines to everyone. So long for now.

Love Ralph.

Background Information:

  • A garrison cap is "a foldable military cap with straight sides and a creased or hollow crown sloping to the back where it is parted."
  • For photos and more information on the cap, check this link:

The next letter will be posted on July 26th.

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