Monday, July 13, 2015

Jefferson Barracks July 13, 1942

Dear Mother & all,

Well here it is Monday night and the weather is just schrching hot. The sweat is really dripping. Excuse the bottom of the paper. It is where the sweat dripped off of my chin.

I had a pass into town Sat. night and yesterday. One of my buddies and I went to the zoo. It is the second biggest in the U.S. It is located where the World's Fair was in 1904. A lot of buildings  I recognized from the book dad had. We got there about 11:30 and was strolling through the picnic grounds looking for a handout. Some people hollered at us and wanted to know if we had had dinner, of course we accepted. We really had a meal to. All the fried chicken we could eat. Everything esle that goes with a picnic to. Then we lefted there and went and got passes to the Cardinal and Boston ballgame. We got out of that about 6:00 and went over to another U.S.O. There we washed and cooled off a little. The other fellow met a truck driver from his home town he took us out to supper. All we spent yesterday was a 25 cents for a pass. It was good all day. Could ride any bus or street car. When I got back I had six letters waiting for me. One from Ruth, Donna, 2 from Irene and Marylou Setzler and the restaurant where I ate in Sandusky. Irene had mailed one of hers the 6th and I got it yesterday. The address wasn't complete. Today I received one from Harold & Lenore.

I received a letter from Mrs. Meyer she had part of one sent from the volunteer class, that was started from some party they had.

Well I have six days of drill in and tomorrow I am assigned to K.P. Jim wanted to know if I had to peel potatoes yet. Tell him its done with a machine.

Tell Luella she can have the alarm clock. I paid $3.50 for it.

I have been so busy I haven't had much time to write. It is so hot a person doesn't feel like writing. We had some terrible rains out here last week.

Is Jim staying over there now? Tell Ruth I am busy but maybe I'll have time to answer. Tell her what a toughen recruit is. It's when you are through drilling and can march. It takes the infantry 7 months and the air corp they give us the same thing in 18 days. I really mean you a tough if you can remember all of the facings, steps, movements, orders and a thousand other things.

We have 11 general orders to learn in our spare time. If we have spare time. This morning at 3:30 they woke us up and wanted to know our names and days drill we have had. The found 4 men A.W.O.L. now we are being bed checked everynight.

Our canvas ovens we sleep in are hotter than, well you know what I am thinking. My vocabulary is really getting bad. That's all you hear, here is cussing.

We were restricted to our tents last week everynight but Mon. We aren't restricted to tonight ever. So many shipping orders it is the only way they can find the men when they want them. A lot of the fellows who came with me are gone already.

I might be next. I don't know where it will be. Couldn't tell if I did know. A lot of information is getting out and they are clamping down on things here.

I was in the big parade Friday boy it sure was hot in it. Wish I could get into a cooler camp. All the fellows being shipped out write back and say it is heaven compared to J.B. I sure hope so. I don't get any pay until I am stationed. If I spend like I did yesterday I won't need much. A fellow can have a swell time for a few cents. I had a grand time yesterday. My buddy knew all the places to go. It was a grand day yesterday to.

Well I can't think of anymore right now so I must close. My address is changed. It is like this.

U.S. Army Air Corp
Pvt. Ralph W. Brown
31st Teach. School Sqd. (Sp)
Flight A. Tent Area
Jefferson B. Mo.

don't forget tent area is is important.

Love Ralph

Background Information:

  • Ralph had worked in Sandusky OH prior to enlisting.
  • Ruth & Jim are neighbors. I do not know who Donna or Marylou (?) Seltzer are.
  • From the website "The People History" (1942), here are some the prices of some other items - 

How Much things cost in 1942 Average Cost of new house $3,770.00 Average wages per year $1,880.00 Cost of a gallon of Gas 15 cents Average Cost for house rent $35.00 per month Bottle Coca Cola 5 cents Average Price for a new car $920.00

The next post will not be until July 19th.

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