Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Jefferson Barracks, Mo. July 7, 1942

Dear Mother,

Well here it is getting time to write again. I suppose you all have been busy. I hope to. I am going to be sent to a school for airplane mechanics. I don't know where it will be but most of them say it will be Denver Colo I hope it will be Chanute Field Ill. It probably will be further away. It won't be for 2 or 3 weeks yet. I don't think. Things happen fast in the army tho.

We just had a hard rain tonight and it looks like more real soon.

How is everybody around home? I got a letter from Irene today and some pictures. Luella hasn't written yet. What is the matter with her? She would be mad if I hadn't wrote to her. I sent a lot of cards to folks and wrote quite a few letters. I forget some of them I write to.

One of the boys received a box of candy and cookies. We are helping him eat it before the ants get into them.

Well my fountain pen ran out of ink and I had to change to another one. We have been out drilling for our first day of drill. I am pretty tired. I will be in the parade tomorrow and Friday. Well I must close for now. I will write later in the week. Write all of the news. How is Dad and his porch coming? Has Ruth received my letter? Tell her to write. Well I am sending you some pictures but they are poorly printed and not so good. Give them to Luellas, Cliff and Harolds. Will send better one later.


The next posting will be on July 9th.

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