Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jefferson Barracks July 9, 1942

Dear Mother,

Received Luella's letter today. I have search thru my letters I have received and did not find one from Luella.

It started raining here about midnight last night and quit about noon today. I never saw it rain like it did here. It poured all of the time and lightning and thunder all of the time. It really rains in Missouri.

I don't hardly know what to write about tonight. I was in the squadrons parades yesterday. Tomorrow everyone one on the post is in the parade. It is really nice to see.

I have three days of drill in already. Do you know it has been a month since I came into the Army? It seems like a year.

My address has been changed. It is 31st Tech. Sch. Sqd. Sp. Flight A. Tent Area. Jefferson Barracks Mo. A little bit more added.

I received a nice letter from Dick & Jane. This week one from Irma, and Harold Hill.

It is rather warm here even after the rain. It doesn't seem to cool off at all. Today the drill field was to wet so we drilled right on the banks of the Miss. It is about a mile wide here. It is an awlful dirty river. The water carrys, trees lumber and rubbish floating all the time.

I haven't received the afternoon mail yet. I hope I get some letters tonight. I will wait before I mail this to see if I get anymore mail. Irene has written about everyday so far. She says she gets awlful lonesome. But I'll bet I get more lonesome. I haven't seen a person I knew in civilian life since I let Camp Custer. The fellows in my tent are awlful friendly thou.

Sunday another fellow and I are going into St. Louis to the zoo. I was in St. Louis 4th of July night. Went in on the convoy. We never stopped for anything. Well I must close. Didn't get anymore mail. So long.

Love Ralph.

Background Information:

  • Once again, I have no information about Dick, Jane, Irma, or Harold Hill. I'm guessing neighbors, friends, and/or folks from church. To my knowledge, they are not relatives.
The next posting will be on July 13th.

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