Friday, July 3, 2015

Jefferson Barracks July 3, 1942

Dear Mother,

Well here it is July 3 already. We just got thru having a G.I. party. That is confinement to our tents for punishment of two hours and scrub them with a brush, soap and water. Somebody in Flight A had a dirty tent and the whole squadron pays for it.

You should have been here to mother. They have a parade on Wednesdays and Fridays. I had to stand on the sidelines today and watch it. Everyone of the soldiers at J.B. were on the field at once and all in Class A dress. The band of 400 pieces in kakie clothes. White sun hats and white leggings. Flags all over the place. The men who have been drilling had to parade before the reviewing stand for the colonel to review. You would have enjoyed it very much I know, and you could have been proud to think I was one of the 50,000 men on the parade grounds. To hear the music and see the flags, and the men all marching and standing at attention, just made a person feel patriotic. It makes me feel better to think I belong to a strong organization such as this.

I think all the men here realize that we are here for one reason and the sooner we can get into action and get it over with so much the better.

I got your letter today. One from Irene, Cliff's and Rev. Meyer. Yesterday I got one from Harold's. It was the first one. I don't know if we get mail tomorrow or not. I hope so. I'll probably have some more letters.

I've been taking my tests today, and yesterday. One more day and then we start drilling. I don't think we will be here long. They are abandoning this tent area. To many of the men are having cold and developing into Pnemunia. Some of them die from it. Flight 565 permanent men are moving out and we go to another squadron. I haven't any colds yet and hope not to.

As for my washing we can do it ourselves or there is a lot of laundry service here. Bathing and toilets are large ones. About 150 stools and 150 showers for Flights A & B. Drinking fountains are all over the place. There are P.X's here and you can buy drug articles, pop, candy and almost anything you want. I think there are 10 or 12 of them.

I probably will be shipped on further west to school for airplane mechanic. I think that will be my line of work. I wrote to Mr. Meyer. I sent  Noms a card the other night. I am glad Irene and I are still single. There are so many of the men married. They just don't know what to do with themselves. Others take it like a vacation. It was a week ago tonight that I left Fort Custer. But I wish I was where I could see her and you, once in a while. We are so busy tho I really don't have much time to sit around and moorn. I haven't seen a person I know in civililian life.

Well tell everybody hello for me. Tell all I am feeling fine. Invite Irene over some day for Sun. dinner or something. She probably can tell you more than I have told you. Send me a picture of the house when it is finished. Did Ruth get her card? I have been sending about 10 cards a night. We have to put lights on about 8:30. One of the men received a radio today so it seems more enjoyable to here one of them again. I hope we get out of these tents or damp grounds. You can't dry any clothes at all.

Well I must close for now and write to Irene yet. I will write again next week. Write a lot, and tell Ruth and all the folks around to write. So long for now.


Background Information:

  • I have no idea who Noms (or Noma) is.
  • I think Ruth may be Ruth King (a neighbor).
  • I don't know if Rev. Meyer and Mr. Meyer are the same person.

The next posting will be on July 7th.

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