Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Post card from Jefferson Bararacks, Mo. June 30, 1942

Dear Glenn,

How is everything in Mich? It is plenty hot here. No rain since I have been here. But plenty before I got here. The picture is our canvas ovens we stay in. 7 men in each one. Then there are plenty of barracks. Camp is 14 miles long and 7 or 8 miles wide. Plenty of men here to, about 40,000 I think. We have plenty of walking to do. Tell Neil where I am. Ask him is he's been here. Scott field is across the River about 30 miles. Well tell everybody hello. Tell Mother to write.


Background Information:

  • Ralph's full name was Ralph William Brown. To his brothers, sisters, and friends he was Bill. To his mother, he was Ralph.

The next posting will be July 1st.

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