Saturday, June 13, 2015

Camp Custer, Mich. June 13, 1942

Dear Mother

I am sorry I did not send you a birthday card. I forgot all about it. I was on detail in the warehouse yesterday, and the day before I was policing up the grounds. We have to go around picking up all cigarette butts, matches and what have you.

They are sending the men out pretty fast. I haven't been notified yet but hope to soon. We don't receive any pay until we are stationed but it started the day we were swore in.

I saw Luella Ford to-day she said her mother saw you at Pattens last night. Did you receive my cards and letter? I haven't received any mail yet.

I am on convoy duty tomorrow that is taking bags to the train and loading them. They are for the men going to other camps. I haven't received all of my clothing yet. My O.D. coat wasn't big enough. If you have any way of getting my camera up here please get it here. Luella says it is only 97 mile up here from Blissfield. If I am here next Sat. and Sun yet, why don't you get Irene and drive up here. Come on Route #12 to Camp Custer. Come in from the East and ask the guard for the Information room. They will tell you where to park and where to go. Go there and ask for me. They will find me. Then I can get a pass to go out of camp. If you come bring along a picnic lunch and we can go out to a park and eat. Try to bring Irene if you come. I'll let you know if I am still here yet by that time. Well I must close for now. It has rained everyday we have been here. We get real good meals here. Hope you can come Sun. If I am here. Goodnight and tell folks I am well and happy as army life can make a person. Someday we will be in a free country again and everybody happy.

About 2/3 of the men coming in are married and the others are from 21 to 45. Goodnight and write often.


Here's some background information to explain some of the contents:

  • Irene was Ralph's fiancee.
  • Ralph was born on May 30, 1919 which made him 23 years old when he entered the service.
  • Ralph's mother was Bessie Brown (Mrs. William S. Brown). His parents lived on Silberhorn Hwy. near Blissfield MI.

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