Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Camp Custer June 10, 1942

Dear Mother,

We arrived at camp at 11:30 last night. Had a meal and then we went and reported. Received papers and was showed our barracks. We didn't get over 3 hours of sleep last night so I am going to turn in early tonight.

This morning we were out of bed at 5:45. We have to make our beds, sweep and mop the floor around them. We had breakfast about 7:30. We had bacon, french fried toast, coffee, grapefruit, and oatmeal. This noon we had roast pork, mash potatoes, gravy, bread, butter, ice tea, cabbage slaw. They sure pile the food on. This morning we had an I.Q. test. This afternoon they issued us our clothing. We got our summer and winter outfit. I don't know if we will be here very long or not.

It is sure hot here today. It is so muggy you can hardly breath. It rained a little but not much. Tomorrow we have our shots and vaccinations.

I have sent my suit case home and my clothes. You can pick them up at the Railway express.

I saw Burdette Carroll this morning. He didn't have much to say. He wanted to know what time we got in.

We sure have got a nice gang in our barracks. Some of them have been here only since Sat. and they call them old men. So we probably won't be here to long. Well I can't think of much more to say. So I guess I'll have to say so long for now. Have been busy all day so this is the first time I have had a chance to write. It is really getting black out. I hope it does cool off. Well I like it here so far as much as I have had. But I still rather be at home.

Goodbye for now and I will write later on. If you write and I am not here they will forward it to me. So long.


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