Sunday, June 21, 2015

Camp Custer June 21, 1942

Dear Mother,

Well here it is another Sunday has rolled around. I am still in Camp Custer. I looked for you up  all day. But I have given up hope now. It is 6:30 so I don't expect you anymore.

We had a big shipment of men all week. I haven't many of my friends I have made left here. They sent 28 men this morning. We have 21 left in our barracks out of 65. Since the new draft law went in the 15th the rookies haven't been comming in very fast.

What have you been doing since I heard from you last? I have been on guide duty the last 4 days. Today I was a man of leisure. I have been waiting and watching most of the day for you folks. I probably won't be here next Sunday. I wish I could see you soon tho. Have you heard from or wrote to Irene? I got a couple of letters from her. I from Mrs. Meyer, and 1 from Marie and Lenore and your letter.

Last night we had an awful rain up here. It just poured. One barracks that sits in a hollow, the water ran right in over the 1st floor.

I was sick most of the night. I have had a hard cold every since I have been here. I had a real hard head ache and my vaccination was really working hard. About 2:30 this morning I heaved up twice. After that my headache started to leave and the fever and swelling in my arm went down. I have felt ok since then. I am going to bed early tonight. Because no on can tell what the next day will bring forth. We might leave or might stay. We don't know what we will do.

Well right and tell me the reason you didn't come up today.

Well I must close. I can't think of anymore to say. I am going to write to Irene yet to-night. If I am still here next Sunday. If I go out I'll let you know. I'll write again in the middle of the week. If I leave before Sun I'll write to you. If I am leaving next Sat. or Sun. I'll telephone you. Well Goodnight and I hope I can see you before I ship out.

With love

Background Information:

  • Ralph's brother Cliff was married to Marie on July 15, 1939. When this letter was written, she was pregnant with their first child.
  • I am copying these letters as written; I am not changing spelling, punctuation, etc. 
  • I will not be able to identify all of the people mentioned in the letters, but if you, the reader, have knowledge, please let me know and I will share that information.
  • I have tried to find the new draft law he refers to, but only found the draft law from 1940 and one that went into effect on Nov. 11, 1942. Here are two websites that may interest you:
The next posting will be Thursday, June 25th.

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