Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Jefferson Barracks June 30, 1942

Dear Mother,

Well how is the Mich. weather now. The Missouri weather is plenty hot here now. Men are come in and leaving everyday. The are giving us 18 days of drill. It normally took 14 weeks to get the training we are getting now in 18 days.

Some of them are placed on the Yoohootie squad. They are issued gas masks, packs, winter clothing is taken away from them, and issued a trench hat, and tommy gun. All of their orders are sealed and even the captains at this post don't know where they are going to.

They really rush them through there training here. We've walked about 20 mile today. I am losing my big stomach but I have gained some weight.

Well the month of June will soon be gone. I wish I could be home for the fourth.

I suppose the corn is knee high and everything is growing fine. Why don't you send snap shots Freeman has been taking? How are King's? Are there anymore of the boys around Berkey leaving for the army? I suppose everybody Sundays ask you if you if you here from me, and where I am. Tell anyone my address and I will be glad to receive letters.

I don't know how long I will be in the U.S. They may ship me to some Air Base that is under construction. I will be classified as a tractor operator. I may be shipped out. No telling. I hope I won't be before I have a chance to get home.

Well I must close for now. I can't think of anymore to say. Tell everybody I am fine, and tell them to write. I'll write when I find time.


Background Information:
  • Freeman Brown was Ralph's youngest brother. He was born on June10, 1925, so he would have celebrated his 17th birthday on the day Ralph sent home his first letter from Camp Custer.
  • Berkey Ohio is about 2 miles south of the farm where Ralph's parents lived. Berkey was probably best known when I was a child for its one and only stop light. It was hung with the green light on the top and the red light on the bottom.
  • This is the first, but not last, envelope and stationery that Ralph began using for his letters. Notice that no stamp was necessary.
The next posting will be on July 1st. It will be a letter to his sister and brother-in-law.

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