Thursday, June 25, 2015

Camp Custer June, 25th 1942

Dear Mother,

I just received your letter today. I am sorry I didn't make it plain to you. If you don't hear from me by Sun. morning I will still be here. If I leave I'll write telephone you. So if you don't hear I'll be here.

If you want to call up Irene her phone no is Jordan 3113. I don't know if she can get off or not, but if she can bring her along. I am going to try and get a weekend pass if I can. I hope I can, I would like to see things around home for a change. I would like to see people that aren't dressed the same as I am. Our corporal has charge of quarters tomorrow night and he wants me to answer telephone for him. If I work he may be able to get me a weekend pass. I hope so.

Tell King's the reason I haven't written is because I don't know how long I'll be here and it is a mixup when they have to mail your letters to another camp. I tell everybody not to write that I write to except you and Irene. I don't know when I do leave here. Well it is almost chow time now. I got a letter from Irene today. She said she was mixed up Sun. too. So I guess I didn't make things clear. If I leave here I'll let you know by telephone if you don't hear from me I'll be here. I might be home I hope so. Don't look to strongly tho. So long till I see or hear from you.

With love

Background Information:

  • The King's were neighbors of his parents. If my memory is correct, they lived right across the road and were also farmers.

The next posting will be on Saturday, June 27th.

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