Saturday, August 4, 2018

Aug. 4, 1945

Dear Mother & Dad,
        Saturday night and nothing
much doing. It is sure different than
a lot of Saturday nights I remember.
How I wish I could be back
home and spend a few more of
      Well tonight I am working.
I am charge of quarters in our
orderly room tonight. Not much
to do but answer the phone, wake
the cooks and guards. So this
gives me plenty of time for
writing letters.
     Received your letter telling me
about Jim's misfortune. They sure
ought to sue on that. I cant imagine
Jim wearing false teeth already.

     Your mail has been comeing
through in about a week's time
so far. Luella, has been bawling
me out for not writing to her.
It is so hard for me to write.
It seems as if we have the
same old routine and if I wrote
what I was doing it would be
the same thing all the time.
   Had a letter from Charles Stutzman
the other day. He is be moaning
the fact that he ownly has a few
points. Well I have only a few myself.
Not enough to go out and I have
been away from home over two
years. He has been lucky and able
to get married. I think every man
in uniform should serve overseas
from six months to a year.

     Now the war is over it would
do a lot of good if they would
send a lot of them over here for
the occupational forces. I probably
will he here about a year yet.
Everyone at home is thinking I
will be home soon. Don't worry
about me. I would rather be
here than in the Pacific. I believe
this 30 day furloughs is going to
make a person more homesick
than if he went direct to the
Pacific from here. When I come
home I want it to be for good, and
then I can get a job and settle down.
I did hear from Irene again. She
is thinking I will be comeing home
soon. No doubt we will forget what
happened while I was away from home.

   Please don't say anything to anyone
about this. After all when I get home
I think things can be patched up.
   Luella's last letter said you were
haveing plenty of hot weather lately.
We have it rather hot during the
day, but about 9:00 at night we
light a small fire in the stove.
We have made an oil burner so
it is no bother at all.
   I was in Brussels this past week
on a pass. Took in a few shows
and a few sights. Things are begining
to get dull again aground here. It
seems like a person has seen
most of it.
    Well I must close for now. Can't think
of anymore to write. Write when you
can                       Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on August 10th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • I'm hoping someone reading this blog knows more about "Jim" and his misfortune that ended up with him getting false teeth.

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