Sunday, April 29, 2018

Belgium April 29.

Dear Mother & all,
      Received your letter yesterday
of April 17. It sure didn't take it
very long in comeing through.
     Well I am a little bit under
the weather today. I guess I have
a slight case of intestinal flu.
I haven't ate anything for the last
three meals now. My head is all
plugged up and I cough quite a bit.
I feel a little better now. Lenore
sent me a package and I ate the
can of chicken noodle soup which
she sent me. I think I am going
to keep it down ok.
     I guess I guess this weather
would make anyone sick. The wind
is blowing a gale and it rains
and snows off and on all day long.
It really is a cold sharp wind.

     I guess from all the news
we are receiving lately this war
on this side will soon be over.
I sure hope so. Although there
will be a lot of work before I can
even think about getting home. I
sure am glad it is about finished.
Rumors of peace is all you hear
on the radio now. I suppose it
is the same way at home.
     Yes, I sure would like to sit
down to one of those party meals
again. Although we are eating very
good here. We have two fresh eggs
each morning for breakfast and then
have ice cream twice during the
week for dinner. We have plenty
of meat to eat. Yesterday noon we
had steak. Today they had boiled
ham. Although I didn't eat today.
Everyone said it was very good.

     I received a very nice letter from
Audrey a few days ago. I must also
answer it soon. It keeps me busy
trying to write to everyone. I don't
know how I wrote so much to
Irene before. Now I can't find time
to write to my own family.
     Well it will soon be the first
of May and next will be my
birthday. It really doesn't seem possible
that time rolls around so fast.
I can't think of much more news
at this time so I guess I will have
to call this finish for now. Please
keep your letters coming this way.
                                      Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 7th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ralph was born on May 30, 1919. He will be 26 years old.

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