Sunday, April 1, 2018

Belgium April 1, 1945

Dear Mother & all,
         Easter Sunday again and still
the war goes on. Remember last year
there was a man predicted it would
be over by Easter? I wonder what he
thinks about it now?
        I have been putting in a lot
of hours of hard work lately. I haven't
had much time for writing to any
one. In a few more nights I will
be able to get around to writing
to all of them again. I guess
they will just have to bear with
      We had a liberty run into
town last night. I was able to
see a little more of Belgium. It
really is a nice country. It
looks so neat and clean.

   I have had ice cream to eat
almost every night now. It really
is a treat to be able to buy it.
    Well, Easter Sunday this year
was just a day of hard work for
me. Our chaplain isn't here yet,
so of course I wasn't able to attend
services today. I would have liked
to have been able to attend
services at Berkey today. I know
you folks had nice services.
    I received a v mail from Freeman
today and also an airmail from
Luella. I have been holding off
a little about writing to Freeman.
I thought maybe he would be
called. I am sure glad he was
able to get another deferrement. I
know he is needed more back

there more than he is needed
here. I notice by the papers from
home that there are quite a few
from around home going into the
      Well this is about all for now.
Please write when you can. I hope
you are over your sickness.
      Goodnight for now. I will try
to write later in the week.
                                   Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on April 9th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • I could not find an explanation of his phrase "liberty run", but I did find a liberty pass from a sailor and the following definition of a pass or liberty:
    • One of the entitlements most new military personnel want to learn about is LEAVE. ... A "pass" (called "liberty" in the Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps) is time-off, not chargeable as leave. Leave is a RIGHT (not a privilege) that is granted by Congress under Federal Law.

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