Saturday, August 12, 2017

Northern Ireland. Aug 12, 1944.

Dear Mother & all,
         Yep, just as the title
says, I am going to school
up here. It really is beautiful
where I am located. I enjoy
it very much, and almost
wish I were stationed here.
     Our food here is swell.
We are eating off of plates
again for a change. Maybe that
is what makes it taste so
      I have just been over to
the Eroclub. They have Coca
Cola, malted milks, fresh
eggs on toast. It certainly
is different than England.
     Of the civilian population
which I have met, they

seem like a very nice persons
to visit with. We won't be able
to go into any towns, because
we aren't allowed any passes.
     I enjoyed my trip over here
very much. It was hard for me
to sleep last night. I guess it
is to quite and peaceful here.
     How is everything back in
Michigan now? I know if
you could have a vacation
here with me, you would
soon be over your sickness.
     I won't be getting an mail
untill I get back to my permant
base again so I hardly know
what to write about.
     Ireland is just about the
way I had it pictured. Stone
fences and hedge rows. The

are all stone building here and
from the looks of the buildings
they are hundreds of years old.
    On our trip here, the women
were out soaking flaxs getting
it ready to weave. One of the
fellows with me was born
in this country. He can tell
me about most of the customs.
Everything is really neat and
they keep everything clean.
     I guess I must close for now,
or I will be telling something
I shouldn't. Maybe I have
already. Goodnight for now.
                           Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on August 25th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Where in Northern Ireland is Ralph? This is a website that may have the answer, but it states that it wasn't used after May 1944. Perhaps after May it was used as a school? It is a lengthy article, but very informative about what went on at this location.
    • In July 1942, 8th Air Force Composite Command was activated in the USA, initially with responsibility for a wide range of matters but in practice the oversight of aircrew training in Northern Ireland became its almost exclusive function, although throughout its local existence the Command retained responsibility for discipline of all USAAF and US Army units here, including military personnel at the 8th Air Force Service Command’s air depot at Langford Lodge.
  • If you google "Langford Lodge" there are many articles available, including a YouTube video.

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