Friday, August 25, 2017

England. Aug. 25, 1944.

Dear Mother & all,
        Well here I am out of
school an back in England
again. I enjoyed my little trip
very much. Luella's letter
I received from her told me
about her vacation at the
lake. This was like a vacation
for me too.
       Every night after school
we would go walk on the
beach and most every night
we were swimming in the
Irish Sea. It is very pretty
       The work on the farms
are years behind. All the
grain is cut and tied by

hand. Every field has a stone
wall and a hedge growing
on it, all around the fields.
The house are one story
houses, and the family lives
in one end of it in about
3 or four small rooms. The
other end they keep their
cow, horse, chickens, and
pigs. They are built of stone
and very thick walls. They have
slate roofs on the houses. It
is almost like  it I expected
it to look.
      I hope you feel much better
now. Your last letter was
written Aug 9 that I received.
I have a lot of letters to answer
now. Maybe I can find time
to answer some of them.

Irene wrote me another letter.
I guess she has found the
right person now. She said
maybe we could get together
after the war. I am not letting
it get me down, because
right now, there are more
important things to do.
       Well I guess Irma was
married Aug. 17. Charlie wrote
and said they were being
married then. Gosh he sure
is lucky to stay in the states.
Maybe we will be home
someday again. The news sure
sound better everyday. I guess
this is all for now. He is a
little present from Ireland.
Goodnight for now.
                          Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on August 30th.

Background Information (and comments):
  • Irma was Irene's sister.
  • I'm still not clear where Ralph was in Northern Ireland, but I like his details about the farms and houses.

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