Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Aug. 9, 1944

Dear Mother & all,
        Received a nice letter from Luella today.
She said you were feeling much better. I am
glad of that. We have been haveing real nice
weather here lately. Today I was on a little
trip. Had some work to do away from the
base. It was a grand trip. It seemed good to
go for a little ride.
        I am going on detach service for awhile.
So if you don't hear from me I don't want you
to worry about me. I will try to write if I can.
But I know I am going to enjoy it. It is a
place I wanted to visit before I leave here
and now my chance has come.
        How is everyone at home now? Had a
nice letter from Freeman yesterday. I hope he
will be able to stay on the farm and stay away
from the army. I guess this is about all for
now. I hope you continue to improve in your
health now. Goodnight for now.
                                                 Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on August 12th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This was sent as a v-mail.
  • Detached service refers to "military service away from one's assigned organization".
  • Freeman was Ralph's youngest brother. He had turned 19 on June 10th.

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