Sunday, August 6, 2017

England. Sun. Aug. 6, 1944.

Dear Mother & all,
      Received your letter of July 26
yesterday so you see your mail
is comeing through to me very
fast now. Also received Harley's
letter. I guess the way everyone
writes Harley has certainly changed.
I guess the Infantry makes a
man out of you.
        I hope you feel better now.
It is going to be sometime for
you to get completely well again.
But sickness just can't be
cured overnight. So just rest as
much as you can and don't worry
about this war. It is in the
bag already.
      Well as I told you before,

I guess it is all over with
Irene and me. But I was rather
blue and broken up over it.
     I didn't go to church today. I
was on the sick list. I ate
something that just didn't agree
with me. I feel better now. I have
taken medenice all day.
      Had a letter from Donna Staup
yesterday. She said it seemed
good to have her mother home
again. I will have to visit
the whole neighborhood after
I get home again.
      Harley said Duke didn't
remember him. I don't suppose
he will know me either.
     We have been haveing good
weather here lately. I hope it
stays this way for a while now.

      I have quite a few good
magazines to read now. I do get
a little time to read now. Our
work isn't so rushing now.
      I can't think of anymore
news for this letter, so I
guess I will just call it a
letter. Please write when you
                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on August 9th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Duke was the family dog.

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