Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 7, 1944

Dear Mother,
        Received your letter today of February 14. It was
a long time in comeing but I really appreciate it
no matter how old a letter it may be. Has Harley
left yet? Your weather there of 2 below zero sounds
cold. It has been cold over here but it is so damp.
I suppose that is why we feel it more. It hasn't
rained for quite awhile now.
        I suppose Glenn is still using my car. I have
been thinking a lot. If it is possible I want to sell it
and buy myself a new one when I get situated in
civilian life once again. That will probably be
sometime yet.
        There isn't so much to write about tonight.
Had a letter from Charlie S. today. He said Irene
is cuter that she was when I was home, and
there is no doubt she is really true to me.
Said he would probably be overseas soon. If he
comes to England I want to hunt him up. I guess
this will be a letter for tonight. Write as
often as you can. We are always busy.
                                                   Love Ralph

The next letter will be posted on March 11th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This was sent as a v-mail letter, and censor checked on March 9, but not postmarked until March 14.
  • Why is Ralph so busy? Here's an excerpt about the role of the Ninth Air Force (his unit):
Moved to England in Oct 1943 to become the tactical air force for the invasion of the Continent. Helped prepare for the assault on Normandy, supported operations on the beach in Jun 1944, and took part in the drive that carried the Allies across France and culminated in victory over Germany in May 1945.

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