Saturday, March 11, 2017

England Mar. 11

Dear Mother,
        I have received all four
of your Feb. letters this past
week. Gee it sure seems good
to hear from you again. Also
received 3 Metamora Records.
So now I have plenty of
reading to do.
       In one of your letters was
the pictures. It sure seems
good to see a barn again.
Over here they have very old
fashion barns. Lots of them
have thatch roofs, but most
of the that roofs are on houses.
I'll bet the old home place
really looks good all painted
up. I know it would look

good to me. I am getting tired
of all this old English stuff.
The oil well derrick reminds
me of Texas. While I was down
there I saw mile after mile
of them.
       The weather over here now
is just like spring. It give
me a bad case of spring fever
yesterday. The farmers are all
drilling grain now and working
in the fields.They also are
still doing there thrashing.
They use a steam engine and
a hand fed thrasher with
a straw carrier. You can see
how far behind the people are
over here. They do have a
few modern machinery here.

       I guess by this time I have
a brother in the services. The
way your letter read he won't
be alone in comeing into the
army. I guess everyone will
be in soon.
       I have quite a few letters
to write so I thought I would
start with yours first. I might
not have the time to write
tomorrow night.
       Please write soon and
often. I will write when I
can. Goodbye for now.
                            Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on March 18th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Photo found on the internet of an English barn with a thatched roof:
  • Photo found on the internet of an English cottage with a thatched roof:

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