Monday, March 27, 2017

England. March 26.

Dear Mother,
          Sunday night again so again
it is time for me to have my
weekly visit with you. While Mr.
Churchill is making his speech I
am writing this letter. Is the
speech being broadcast in the states?
     I received the package today
from Glenn. Tell him I said thanks
an awlfully lot. Everything arrived
ok. It sure is grand to have a
few mixed nuts to eat again. The
hickory nuts sure are good, and the
candy is just the thing. Quite a few
of the fellows received packages this
week so each night one of us

passes a package of candy around.
     Our mail is awlfully slow in
comeing through. Just V mail letters
are comeing now.I suppose in a day
or so now we will be getting regular
mail again. Although I have received
a letter almost everyday this week.
They all have been V letters though.
I haven't received any letters from
Irene for over a week now. I
hope I hear from her soon.
     I sent you a package this
week. I want you to divide it up
among Luella, Marie, Lenore, Mrs.
Setzler and yourself. I sent Irene
hers already. You might get this
letter before you do the package so
I won't say what it contained

unless you have already guessed.
     I received two copies of the Record
today and one copy of the Advance. So
I have plenty of reading matter for a
while now.
     I attended church services this
morning and also tonight. They have
been haveing a pre invasion preaching
mission this past week. Very good
attendance every night. The speaker
was a chaplin from an Engineering
Unit here at our base. He was
very good. I could set an listen to
him by the hour.
     There isn't so very much news
to write for tonight. I guess this
will just about bring this letter
to a close. We are really have

grand spring weather out now. The
people around here are all out
making gardens and everyone is
working in the fields. I suppose
everyone is anxious to get to work
on the farm at home now. Did Fred
King get a new tractor? What kind?
Goodnight for now. Please write
often. I know you have more letter
writing to do now. But a letter from
home really means an awlfully lot
to me. Goodnight.

The next letter will be posted on March 28th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • I found a 50-second video clip and the entire text of Churchill's speech made on March 26, 1944:

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