Saturday, October 29, 2016

October 29, 1943

Dear Mother,
         Here it is the end of the week already. Haven't
done much of anything but work hard and
sleep. I have braved one of the famous English
fogs. It really is dreary while one is on. I
suppose I will see many more of them latter
    I see by the papers that the U.S. has
lifted the blackout and dimouts. I bet on Nov. 1
all you will hear played on the radio is
When The Lights Go On Again? I hope they
soon come on all over the world again.
I believe I would like London if it was lit
up. Gee it really is spooky during the black
      I haven't received hardly any mail for three
weeks now. The mail and Christmas packages
is holding everything up. But I know it
is on the way. I have received a few
packages already. It doesn't seem like
Christmas will be here. I hope next
Christmas can be spent with all of the family
being together. Goodnight and write soon
and often. Always thinking of you and home.
                                                 Love Ralph

The next letter will be posted on Oct. 31st.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ralph continues to use V-mail services for his correspondence. Written Oct. 29, censor stamped Oct. 31, and postmarked on Nov. 5.
  • Here are some links to websites with information about blackouts in the United States:
  • This is a link to a public service announcement about air raids and blackouts:
  • Here are links with videos of the song Ralph referred to:
    •   (Vera Lynn singing)
    •  (Vaughn Monroe singing)

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