Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 15, 1943

Dear Mother,
          My mail finally came through today. I
received two of your letters today. In all I received
eight letters and one Christmas card. I guess
the mail just comes in bunches.
     From the sound of your letters the old
place is going to look different when you get
it all painted up. I sure wish I could see
it. We have been rather busy here and will
be for sometime. I do miss being home, but
I guess I would be about the only fellow around
back home. I have been hearing from Irene
regular now. I guess I just got a little to
anxious there once for mail. But now from
Irene's letters I won't have to worry about
anything now. I know she will be right there
when I get back. Fern is at home with her
folks. I get a letter from her quite often. I guess
she really has a nice baby. She says it
really makes time go a lot faster for her. It
gets her mind off of Vernon being away. Well
mother don't worry about anything. I had a letter
from Freeman today. It really was a surprise.
Goodnight for now. Please write often. Enjoyed
the clippings.                                  Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on October 19th.

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