Friday, October 14, 2016

October 14

Dear Mother,
          I guess it is about time I dropped you a
few more lines this week. I think I wrote about
Monday to you. I haven't received a letter from you
for almost two weeks again. All our mail must
be comeing in by boat. About every so often
we receive a big shipment of mail. Then
everyone is happy again. I received two V
letters from Lenore today. It took them 16 days
to come through. So all of it is slow. Don't
feel to bad if I complain about not hearing
from you. They all will come through in time.
It does seem queer to receive a letter so old
though. In away it really doesn't seem as if
we have left the U.S. as yet. I hope that
day will be comeing soon when we can
see the old statue of liberty again. I can
still see it fading away in the distant
with the New York City Skyline in the back
ground. I hope I can see it appear again soon.
     Well this is about all for tonight so I
must close. I have gotten rid of my cold and
feel ok again. I believe I am getting thinner
over here.                               Goodbye. Love Ralph

The next letter will be posted on October 15th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • The dates for this V-mail are written on Oct 14, censor stamped on Oct 16, and postmarked on October 22nd.

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