Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October 11, 1943

Dear Mother,
        Haven't received a letter from you for over a
week now. Our mail is slow in getting here
again. I haven't much to write about anyway
so will make it a V mail. We are busy
and doing the same thing day after day.
Hardly know one day from another. I thought
after I got overseas time would just drag
by, but it is just the opposite. Seems like the
month just begins and then there is another
one right away. Time never has went as
fast for me before.
        I have just got rid of a swell cold and I
am feeling like myself again. Hope I get some
more mail this week. It started out ok with
me. I received five letters today. Three from
Irene, one from Cliff and Luella. I have wrote
four letters tonight already. Maybe I will write
a couple of more tonight if I have enough
ambition left. Please write often as you
can. I will try to do likewise. I guess you
are the one that can write most of the news.
I can't write much news. Goodbye for now.
Tell all I said hello and I will be seeing you.
                                               Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on October 14th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This V-mail was written on Oct. 11, has a censor's stamp of Oct. 13 and a postmark of Oct 20. This explains Ralph's frustration with the mail service (although he wouldn't know these other dates unless his mother points it out to him in a letter).

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